Part of AJLA working tirelessly to end animal abuse through REAL accountability is keeping up with fast moving information and investigations. While we strive to make sure the website is always up-to-date and accurate, we cannot confirm that everything is 100% accurate and up-to-date.
From time to time, we will profile or comment on SUSPECTED animal abusers. These people COULD be dangerous to animals and others. We want you to be SAFE! DO NOT approach, confront, or communicate with these people. If you witness a crime, call your local authorities. NEVER take the law into your own hands and always call authorities if warranted.
Please take care to read and understand the information in these three paragraphs. Because we cannot control every situation, AJLA is not liable for any actions you take on your own with the information presented on the website, Facebook, or any other outlet. Together we will end animal abuse safely.